Lots going on this week. Nothing like a couple of warm nights to bring out the buds on the maples and
dogwoods, push the daffodils along and get the perennial beds waking up. It also starts to ratchet up
the tension among the folks here because so much has to happen in short period of time. Coffee flasks
and cups are everywhere and consumption is definitely on the rise.
We have been dutifully working in the greenhouses, and the tomato greenhouses are indeed coming
along nicely. Two little hives of commercial bumblebees are helping with the pollination of the first
two houses that we planted. By the weekend we will have four greenhouses planted two tomatoes and a
house of cucumbers planted as well. We now will have to split our greenhouse time with outdoor
activities. Our retail greenhouses will open to the public for the season starting this weekend. Not a lot
of sales, but a chance for the greenhouse crew to get it’s A-game on in terms of building displays,
making sure the credit card machine is in daily order and the houses watered before opening doors
at 10 AM. It is an early opportunity for local gardeners to drop by, poke around, see what is going on
all the while getting a dose of humid air and the welcoming smell of damp peat moss from the
The Jamaican crew returns to Edgewater Farm this weekend. Some of these guys have been coming
here to work in New England for so many years , it is hard to say whether they are leaving home or
coming home. This will be year 18 for Roy Mitchell coming to us from his own Jamaican farm. He has
had many titles attached to him over the years. We have always referred to him as The Farm Social
Chairman, because he never met a party or cookout of which he did not approve. Because he has been
seen on the front page of the Valley News more times than the Vice President of the United States, he
is referred to by some as “The Esteemed Mayor of Plainfield”. But the one I prefer is Roy
Mitchell….Absolute Genius.
Many years ago we were doing a video regarding our CSA. The person
doing the video was going about interviewing various employees. While interviewing Roy, he remarked
that he had heard from the crew that Roy was the fastest, most productive picker on the field crew, and
when he asked to what he could attribute that ability for hand harvest, Roy turned to him and
responded: “Bill, it is because I am an absolute genius…” It still cracks me up. All the Jamaicans
have a pretty good sense of humor, which is great because a sense of humor is essential to doing the
sometimes tedious and mundane job of farming. It nicely compliments the sense of purpose and
commitment they demonstrate while attending the various chores. Last year we were transplanting
melons in brutal heat, and Jasper was doing a remarkable job of setting plants, making sure they got
enough water and were placed properly so they did not stress out and wilt …..all the while the sun was
baking our brains. At the end of the day, I said that I really appreciated the extra effort he made to get
the job done really well in the oppressive afternoon heat. I told him I wanted to purchase a six pack of
beer for his extra effort , and inquired which brand he would like. He looked up, expansively
opened his arms to the sky, laughed and said “Cold and wet, Pooh! I drink it all! Lite to stout!”
Suffice to say, with their help things will start clicking at a quicker pace. The onions will go in first and I
suspect that within 10 days Ray and Mike will have the bulk of the potatoes in the ground. So not only
will the potato seed arrive from Williamstown this weekend, a call tonight from Nova Scotia informed
me that the strawberry plants are landing this weekend as well. It seems hard to believe three weeks
ago there was ice and snow in the fields and I was full on with long underwear. We are in the
agricultural season’s equivalent of the top of the second inning….So many things to do, and how to get
organized to get the most done in a day?
So it seems officially that spring is here. The river is doing some flooding (victimizing one greenhouse
furnace, but no crops yet..) but the very warm moist nights of the last week definitely tell us that spring
has sprung. Most of the farms fleet of aging trucks and cars are finally working their way through the
inspection process and tractor batteries are being charged up. There are even pictures on social media
of George laying over perfect furrows of soil with the land plows. Who knows? But here goes….!