
Small Fruit

Our well-drained, sandy loams are ideally suited for growing strawberries in New England. Our season here usually starts in early June and lasts into early- to mid-July. Our picked strawberries are available at our farmstand and the Lebanon, Lyme and White River branch stores of the Hanover Coop. We also open the fields to Pick your Own. If you call 603.298.8391 between 6 AM and 8pm during the strawberry picking season you will get updated reports on picking conditions as well as directions to the fields.   Edgewater Farm has always grown fall raspberries but also summer red and black raspberries are at the farmstand in season. We also crop 5 acres of blueberries, which are available at the farmstand, the Hanover Coops stores as well as made available to our CSA members.. The harvest season for blueberries is mid-July through late AugustOur fall raspberries kick into high gear shortly before Labor Day and usually carry us through Columbus Day weekend, which usually coincides with our farmstand closure.


Part of the product mix here at the farm is a complete line of vegetables. We grow everything from arrugula to zucchini. Because we believe in sustainable agriculture, we grow our crops using IPM methods (Integrated Pest Management). IPM, coupled with preferred soil management practices  integrating cover crops and composts. This allows us to produce crops of the highest food value using the least amount of sprays and inputs. All this and we pick them when they are ripe, so they taste good too! Our farmstand opens in June, often heralding the first greens, greenhouse grown tomatoes and strawberries from the gardens. By late June, the farmstands are filled with a full spectrum of vegetables and summer raspberries from our fields. July and August bring sweet corn and melons, which give way in September to the cool weather crops such as pumpkins, roots crops, fall raspberries and cool season greens. We close the farmstand early- to mid-October, usually coinciding with the first fall frosts. We also supply produce to the Hanover Coop Food Stores as well as many restaurants and local farmstands. For those that want to continue having access to our produce after the farm stand closes we have a particularly popular fall CSA that goes to Thanksgiving.  For information about what vegetables are currently available, you may call the Route 12A farmstand seasonally at 603 298 5764.